our Mission

Simply put, to be the best.

Athletic and academic success isn’t the goal. Changing lives is.

We take highschool level student-athletes, from around the world, regardless of their ability to pay. For some of our athletes, it is a way out, a shot at the American dream, the tool to transform the trajectory of their future.

We strive to shape scholars and exceptional athletes into servant leaders who possess the desire, dedication, and discipline to transform their communities. Our team is working to develop the premier development institution in shaping world-class scholar-athletes and most importantly, shaping incredible people.

Meet Oliver.

Senior, Class of 2025.

Anambra State, Nigeria

Where I am from it’s hard to come to the U.S. It is a good opportunity when you can leave because it is very expensive and difficult to leave. The best part about living here are the opportunities and that I can play the sport that I enjoy. Also, people are nice.
  • There are people in life when faced with challenges manage, somehow, to shine a little brighter, speak their gratitude a little louder, and allow their presence to reflect appreciation and joy.

    It isn't lost on us that a kid from Anambra State, literally " light of the nation", exudes positivity that is tangible within the first 5 minutes of meeting him. As Oliver prepares for his senior year of high school, he has set significant goals for himself and his future. He hopes to perform well enough the obtain a scholarship and to continue his education. In the future, he would like to own a retail store, filled with his designs. Oliver misses his family of 4, but feels grateful for the opportunity he has been given. It has been 3 years since he's seen them in person, but looks forward to the future with a smile on his face.

Our Partners



If you feel led to partner with us through your giving, would you consider pledging a $10.00 monthly amount to the Fourth Coast Foundation? The frequency in giving allows us to plan and provide consistent provision for our athletes. Please click the donation button on the top right of the page. We are so grateful for your generosity.